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Give Me a Break

As we enter into the New Year, tax season is right around the corner. As a new homeowner or buyer, you may wonder what the tax benefits of owning a home are.

There are several tax breaks to be aware of when you file your taxes as a homeo...

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Buyers, Are You Feeling Stuck? I Get It!

Are you feeling stuck and frustrated in today’s real estate market because mortgage rates are so high? I get it.

With all the negative news on mortgage rates, the frustration is real. But stay put to hear more about our interest rate ...

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How To Settle Into a New Home

Marie Villeza

Data show that more than 40 million Americans move every year. If you find yourself among them, you may be wondering how to get settled in your new home. It can take a bit to adjust to your new surroundings, but there are a var...

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Helping Your Senior Loved One Downsize

Marie Villeza

Helping Your Senior Loved One Downsize

When it's time to downsize and move to a new home, your senior loved one may feel overwhelmed and even anxious. Helping them with the process will certainly alleviate some of their fear...

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5 Things to Consider Before Renovating Your Home

Marie Villeza

Renovating your home can be an exciting and rewarding project, but it’s important to carefully plan and prepare before diving in. From hiring contractors to choosing the right renovation projects, there are many factors to co...

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Urban Gardening Ideas for Small Spaces


Jonesing for a green retreat in a space that’s petite? Turn square footage into foliage with these urban gardening ideas. Your space-squeezed balcony, terrace, porch, railing (think climbing vines), or curbside patch of dirt ...

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5 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Sale


Working to get your home ship-shape for showings will increase its value and shorten your sales time.

Many buyers today want move-in-ready homes and will quickly eliminate an otherwise great home by focusing on a few visible...

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